By Henry Kissinger
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Contingency Study on Pakistan—Addendum to NSSM 109
Foreign Relations of the United States
Volume E7
Documents on South Asia, 1969-1972
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 365, Subject Files, National Security Study Memoranda, Nos. 104–206. Secret; Exdis. A copy was sent to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Washington, February 16, 1971
The Secretary of State
The Secretary of Defense
The Director of Central Intelligence.
Contingency Study on Pakistan—Addendum to NSSM 109
February 16, 1971
National Security Study Memorandum 118
The President has directed that an immediate contingency study be made of the alternative U.S. postures toward a possible move in East Pakistan toward secession.
The emphasis in this study should be on contingency planning in preparation for possible decisions that might be necessary in the near future. Longer range U.S. policy toward Pakistan should continue to be considered within the framework of NSSM 109 (Policy Study on South Asia). This contingency study should be fully compatible with the study being prepared in response to NSSM 109 and should be designed to become an annex to it if it is not needed sooner.
The study should be done under the direction of the Chairman NSC IG/NEA and forwarded to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs by February 26, 1971.
cc: The Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Henry A. Kissinger