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Pakistan is to raise the mininum prices of jute at the growers’ level by 2 rupees (about 17 ½ p) a maund (82 lb) in the season beginning July 1. The increase will make the minimum price in the northern areas Rs33 a maund and in the district and “Jat” areas Rs34, for the lowest quality jute.
Prices in the secondary markets and terminal points will be adjusted accordingly.
Meanwhile London dealers feel that jute prices in the market will probably rise further during the next two months because of the continuing emergency in East Pakistan, which Is interfering with shipments.
Old crop for current shipment is nominally quoted at £151 a metric ton, a 1970-71 high, compared with £145 a month ago and the 1970-71 range of £137-151.
The market is very quiet at present because shipments have been so slow. However. United Kingdom and European spinners’ stocks must be low, and there has been buying interest in new shipments, particularly from West German and Belgian consumers.