By Peter Hazelhurst
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Calcutta, June 1
Evidence has become available which appears to confirm that the Pakistan Army’s operations in Dacca on March 26 were part of a well-organized plan devised to terrorize the inhabitants into submission. Certainly it disproves the claim of the Pakistan Government that its troops only attacked rebels who offered armed resistance.
The evidence is a transcript of monitored radio messages passed between army units during the early hours of the attack. The transcript is now in the hands of the provisional government of Bangladesh, and copies are to be sent to the Secretary General of the United Nations and all heads of government.
Here are some extracts from messages exchanged between control, the headquarters of General Tikka Khan, the military governor, and army units.
Control: Well done. What do you think would be the approximate number of casualties at the university?
88: Wait. Approximately 300. Over.
Control: Well done. Three hundred killed? Anybody wounded or
captured? Sitrep (situation report). Over.
88: I believe only in one thing - 300 killed. Over.
Control: Yes, I agree with you. That’s much easier. Nothing asked nothing done. You don’t have to explain anything. Once again, well done. Once again I would like to give you shabash to all the boys....
77: Latest from 88 - that he is making progress. But there are so many buildings that he has to reduce each one in turn. He has so far suffered no casualties but there is firing against him. He is using everything he has got. Over.
Control: Tell him that his big brothers (artillery support) will also be coming shortly, I hope. So those can be utilized for knocking down the buildings. Now on the other side. I think Liaqat and Iqbal (students’ dormitory) is now quiet....
Control: From Imam (the commanding officer) regarding all Bangladesh flags or black flags. Owners of buildings flying these must be warned to remove them at once otherwise they will be persecuted. Road blocks anywhere will be a criminal offence. Anyone seen indulging in these must be shot at sight. Houses and buildings on either side will be demolished.
88: Wilco. Anything else? Over.
Control: Imam is now with Imam 26. If you need further assistance in any matter you can let him know. Regarding the Buxer (demolition squad) elements. They have started from their base position and will be able to help you immediately after first light to help demolish all the obstacles in front of you. Over.
Control: What about the People’s Daily (the Daily People newspaper)? Over.
26: Blasted. I say again, blasted. Our two men seriously wounded have been evacuated.
Control: Any approximation of the other side’s casualties? Over.
26: No, it’s difficult to judge at the moment. Places are on fire or have been completely destroyed.
Control: Have you done away with police lines also? Over.
26: Police lines are on fire. Over.
Control: Good show. Out.