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NEW DELHI, Dec. 14—An Indian spokesman said today that the Indian Government had been informed this afternoon by cablegram from the headquarters of the Red Cross in Geneva that its representative in Dacca had given protection to the East Pakistan officials.
In view of the Red Cross request to set up neutral areas in Dacca to protect civilians and foreigners, India agreed today to treat the Inter‐Continental Hotel, the Holy Family Hospital and Notre Dame College as neutral areas, the Indian spokesman said.
The spokesman added that Gen. S.H.F.J. Manekshaw, the Indian Army Chief of Staff, had given instructions to his forces that “every possible precaution would be taken to see that these places were safe.”
Since the Pakistani officials have only been granted protection and not asylum, they will be subject to the laws of Bangla Desh — the independent Bengal Nation—with the end of the war, the spokesman said. They would thus be liable to stand trial for any crime committed while they were in office.