Thank you for visiting the Bangladesh Archives. These archives are a collection of material on the 1971 war of Independence in Bangladesh. Material includes Newspaper and magazine articles. Documents from the US government and other sources, videos and audio matieral. Any suggestions and contributions of material is always welcome.

This page is very much a work in progress and new material is added regularly. The site currently has the following content.
Total items: 3024 — Text : 2762 — Image : 12 — Video : 250 — Audio : 0

The latest update was on: 2024-06-16 21:38:19 GMT



Baltimore Sun

  • Bangla Desh Looks Towards Its Future — Robert T. Livernash
  • Izvestia

  • FLAMES OVER SOUTH ASIA — V. Kudryavtsev
  • Library of Congress - Kissinger Papers

  • Transcript of Telephone Conversation Between President Nixon and the Presidentʼs Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger)
  • New York Times

  • Pakistani Pilot Describes Downing of an Indian MIG — Malcolm W. Browne
  • East Pakistan Regime Resigns as Indian Jets Raid Dacca — Reuters
  • One War Is Enough — C. L. Sulzberger
  • Plea to U. S. and China — Associated Press
  • Long Defense Pledged — Reuters
  • India In Red Cross Accord
  • Battle for City Starts
  • Bengalis Urged to Observe Geneva Accords in Dacca
  • 47 Americans in Dacca — Associated Press
  • Indian Frigate Sunk — United Press International
  • Sea Attack on Chittagong — Associated Press
  • War a Part of Faith for the Moslems
  • Good Jobs Are Rare in the Villages
  • India Says Her Troops, Driving From the North, Are Within Six Miles of Dacca — Fox Butterfield
  • Nixon May Review Trip Unless Soviet Curbs India — James M. Naughton
  • Nixon Presidential Materials

  • Conversation Among President Nixon, his Assistant (Haldeman), and his Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger), Washington, December 15, 1971, 8:45–11:30 a.m.
  • Telegram 19243 From the Embassy in India to the Department of State, December 15, 1971, 0738Z — Kenneth Keating
  • Memorandum From the Presidentʼs Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon — Henry Kissinger
  • Central Intelligence Agency Information Cable TDCS–315/07612–71, Washington, December 15, 1971
  • Memorandum of Conversation between Kissinger and Vorontsov
  • Backchannel Message From the Ambassador to Pakistan (Farland) to the Presidentʼs Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) — Joseph Farland
  • Letter From the Indira Gandhi to President Nixon delivered via L.K. Jha — Indira Gandhi
  • Reuters

  • U.S. National Archives

  • Telegram From the Embassy in India to the Department of State — Kenneth Keating
  • Telegram From the Embassy in India to the Department of State — Kenneth Keating
  • Telegram From the Consulate General in Dacca to the Department of State — Herbert Spivack
  • Telegram 11410 From the Embassy in the United Kingdom to the Department of State, December 15, 1971, 1656Z
  • Telegram 12575 From the Embassy in Pakistan to the Department of State, December 15, 1971, 1034Z — Joseph Farland
  • Wall Street Journal

  • Birth of a Nation: Bengalis Rule Parts of Pakistan in Pomp, Trying Circumstances — Peter R. Kann